September 11 and Eleven

I have recorded here some of the more obvious ways in which the number eleven has clustered around the events of 11 September, 2001. [1] The links with eleven are concentrated on the day itself, but began long before 9/11 and have continued since then. Many of the elevens are encoded into the attacks at the World Trade Centre, although some are found relating to the Pentagon attack. However, the Pentagon is also strongly linked to the number five.

1. The date of the event was the 11th day of the month.

2. The twin towers visually resembled the number 11.

3. The first plane to strike was flight 11, hitting the North Tower at 0846HRS.

4. Flight 77, the last plane to strike, has a flight number that is a multiple of 11. Of all the numerals, 7 most resembles 1.

5. There were 110 storeys above ground in each building.

6. Both buildings collapsed to the 11th storey.

7. On 19 December, 2001, the fires in the WTC were finally put out. So they burned for 99 (9 x 11) days (this was the longest burning commercial fire in US history).

8. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.

9. 'September 11' has eleven digits.

10. The 9/11 Commission hearings closed on 17/6/04, 1010 days after 9/11.

11. The 9/11 Commission Report was released on 22/7/04, 1045 (11 x 95) days after 9/11.

12. The North Tower and South Tower were struck at 0846HRS and 0903HRS. 846 + 903 = 1749 = 11 x 159.

13. The three buildings fell at the following times: WTC 2 fell at 0959HRS, WTC 1 fell at 1028HRS, WTC 7 fell at 1720HRS. 959 + 1028 + 1720 = 3707 = 11 x 337.

14. The total death toll at the WTC was 2871. 2871 = 11 x 9 x 29.

15. The TV news reporter on ITV that day was Mark Cviic.

16. The most famous person killed was David Angell, co-creator of the TV comedy Frazier.

17. Flight 11 had 92 people on board. 9 + 2 = 11.

18. Flight 11 had eleven crew members.

19. Flight 175 had 65 people on board. 6 + 5 = 11.

20. Flight 93 had 44 people on board. 44 = 4 x 11 [2]

21. The first fire unit to arrive was FDYC Unit One, which lost eleven members.

22. Osama bin Laden was 44 years of age on 9/11.

23. Of the 125 people killed in the Pentagon 55 were military personnel.

24. The Marriott Hotel (WTC3), which sat between the twin towers and was destroyed on 9/11, had 22 storeys. [3]



1. Sceptics will say that such numbers can be found in any major event. However, what sceptics cannot explain is how the elevens (and other numbers important to the New Bible Code) are associated with such significant elements of the day, such as the first or final event in a chain of events, the flight number of an airplane rather than a serial number on one of its engines, the design of the twin towers, etc. For instance, flight 11 was the first flight to crash and the twin towers looked like a gigantic '11'. In fact every feature of the event, from the numerical coincidences to the high profile location, seemed designed to pique our interest.

2. Flight 77 had 64 (4 x 4 x 4) people on board. The number of people who died in the Pentagon was 125 (5 x 5 x 5). Both numbers are also part of the New Bible Code.

3. One of the guests at the hotel on 9/11, Dennis Wooldridge, was an author writing a book about a terrorist attack on New York.