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My Spirit Radio March 29, 2013
Here is my interview with Cas Lake of The Unexplained show. I talk about my spiritual awakening and how it led me to discover the New Bible Code. I ... [MORE]
My Spirit Radio November 01, 2012
In October I was interviewed about the New Bible Code by Cas Lake of My Spirit Radio. The show, called The Unexplained, will be aired in January 201... [MORE]
PROBE 2013 July 14, 2012
I will be speaking at one of next year's PROBE International conferences in St. Anne's (either in the spring or the autumn). PROBE is one of the pre... [MORE]
eBook Released June 13, 2012
The ebook version of The September-11 Code was released today by Axis Mundi and distributed to ebook retailers.
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US Release of September-11 Code May 16, 2012
Today, my book is officially released in the USA. The UK release is next week. Here is a list of some of the main online stores stocking it.
Amazon... [MORE]
Published April 20, 2012
The September-11 Code is now published and available from Amazon (US and UK), Brumby Books (Aus/NZ) and from bookshops.
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Book Now Available for Preordering April 09, 2012
The September-11 Code book is now available for preordering from Amazon (US or UK).
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The September-11 Code January 28, 2012
The publication date for my new book, The September-11 Code, is 25/5/12. After that date it can be ordered from the publisher's website, and will be... [MORE]
The September-11 Code January 03, 2012
My new book, The September-11 Code, will be published in the spring by Axis Mundi. The book does two things: firstly, it tells the true story of my ... [MORE]
UFO Case Files of Scotland, Pt. 2 (The Sightings) December 16, 2011
UFO and Paranormal researcher Malcolm Robinson takes another look at the hundreds of UFO sightings that have been witnessed in the Scottish skies. O... [MORE]